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27 October 2022 14:30-17:30Epicenter Oslo

The future is already here

Join an exciting afternoon where Sopra Steria and Epicenter invite speakers from different retail supply chain stakeholders for hands-on learning about how the metaverse can be a future disruptor for the retail industry.

At this event we want to dive deeper into the retail industry and take a look at how today’s retail setup will be disrupted by customers shopping through metaverse technology in the future.

Not only will we touch upon the current and future retail supply chain. Through our keynote speakers, panel discussions and fire side chats we hope to discover many gaps and opportunities that will need innovative solutions before the metaverse will be the preferred retail shopping platform. 

Are you a digital company working in or with the retail sector? Or maybe you are an ambitious entrepreneur looking for a great idea? Then sign up to the event through the form below. Make sure to save your physical seat now, with a limited number of seats available.

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Erik Eskedal
Agency Director Marketing Services, Sopra Steria

Erik has for the last 20 years worked in the intersection of marketing and technology and is focused on customer experiences and the customer journey and has worked as an consultant and inside companies helping them in the transition to digital marketing communication with the use of data and technology.

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Nina Hareide Larsen
Commercial Lead, Meta

Nina Hareide-Larsen is client partner and commercial lead at Meta Norway. Prior to working at Meta, Nina held the position as Executive Vice President within Media and Marketing at DNB Bank, with social media as her main responsibility.

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Tobias Studer Andersson
Innovation Director, Sopra Steria

Tobias Studer Andersson is innovation director and heading Sopra Steria’s global open innovation initiative called Sopra Steria Scale up. Sopra Steria Scale up's role is to act as a global ecosystem orchestrator and help incumbent organizations explore, experiment and scale innovative solutions developed by start-ups. Tobias has a background from banking & insurance, asset management and management consulting. He is one of Sopra Steria's foremost expert on open innovation and ecosystem collaboration and have had articles published in media’s such as Harvard Business Review, Dagens Næringsliv, Finansavisen, and Shifter.

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Morten Hoff
CEO, Wilfa

Morten started working for Wilfa 22 years ago and has held positions within sales, marketing and product development. For the last five years he has held the position as Chief Executive Officer. In addition he sits at the board in NEL: Norges Elektroleverandørers Landsforening. Product development and sustainability lies close to heart and Morten is dedicated to making a sustainable difference. In 2022 he was announced Consumer Electronics CEO of the year by CEO monthly emphasizing that all the hard work done at Wilfa is noticed across borders.

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Scott Leamann
Mixed Reality Lead, Sopra Steria

Scott Leaman is one of Europe's foremost experts in Mixed Reality (MR) consulting, a Microsoft MVP for Mixed Reality, and the Mixed Reality Lead for Sopra Steria Norge. He has been using VR/AR/MR to bring value to the enterprise domain for many years, based on a background of IT consulting experience in Australia, America and Europe. He has been building software for the Microsoft HoloLens since 2015, and has long experience with development, design and project management for Mixed Reality projects.

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Jelmer Verhoog
Consulting Manager Mixed Reality, Sopra Steria

Jelmer Verhoog is an expert in mixed reality and the metaverse. He has a background in design and loves to explore how people and companies can benefit from the new opportunities that arise with mixed reality. He has established and managed multiple innovation projects within the field.

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John Berland
Director of Innovation, Sopra Steria

John Berland is Sopra Steria's Director of Innovation and works with lifting the value of new technologies by establishing complementing ecosystems for customers and partners. 

He started his first project in the Metaverse long before it was known, and has been part of several projects representing changes in the paradigm for how we will learn, plan and live our lives in the years to come. 

The Metaverse has erased geographical borders and creates new dimensions for how we build the future. 

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Welcome to Epicenter. Registration will take place in the reception and both the event and refreshments will be available in Disruption Hall.

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Epicenter, Distruption Hall


Our host of the day, Tobias Studer Andersson from Sopra Steria, will welcome everyone and go through practical information.

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Tobias Studer Andersson
Innovation Director, Sopra Steria


The metaverse has been a buzzword for quite some time now. And as most buzzwords, they come with a variety of confusing explanations. We will therefore dedicate the opening to adding some context about what the metaverse is really about.

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John Berland
Director of Innovation, Sopra Steria


In some discussions we might get the indication that trading in the metaverse will be mainstream within short. But there is a big gap to fill before we can go from traditional shopping to metaverse shopping: Jelmer Verhoog and Scott Leaman will adress and talk about the missing hardware piece.

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In this panel we want to discover the unknown gaps of the new metaverse retail supply chain. With us on stage we have Erik Eskedal. Scott Leaman & Nina Hareide-Larsen

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Will the actual retailers do more business directly with the end user when metaverse shopping becomes the norm? We have moderator Erik Eskedal and Morten Hoff, CEO at Wilfa with us on stage for a fireside chat about the future of retail.

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Morten Hoff
CEO, Wilfa


After an intense hour, it is about time we summarize the takeaways. Did we discover any gaps that need to be filled? What kind of technology do we need to make the customer journey as smooth as possible? And what should we discuss today and going forward?

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Erik Eskedal
Agency Director Marketing Services, Sopra Steria


Make sure to stay put while the bar is open after the event. You will have the opportunity to test technology, mingle and discuss the topics of today with likeminded people over a beer or two. With the event ticket you get one beer or soft drink on the house.

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At Epicenter we help key innovative hotspots to supercharge their local entrepreneurial ecosystems. By building local innovation houses we provide a community, learning platform, and meeting arena for local change makers to accelerate their growth and innovate with impact. Want to know more about Epicenter? 

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